The Importance of Community Comms: Why Devs Can’t Afford to Ignore their Most Important Audience

The recent Escape from Tarkov and Helldivers II controversies resulting from community revolt demonstrate the pitfalls of deprioritizing player feedback in favor of bottom-line decision making. In our hyper-connected world, a game’s existing players are no longer just customers, they’re your champions, detractors, and ultimately will determine your fate as a developer. If you don’t take steps to address their concerns, they’ll move on to another of the many, many games currently available.

So What is Community-Driven Development?

When developers actively seek collaborative player input while creating or updating a game it fosters a sense of shared ownership. Today’s gamers want to feel their feedback contributes meaningfully to the direction of their favorite title. Embracing that mentality can be a huge win-win for both the developer and players. It can also be perilous, if not executed correctly.

Benefits of Community-Driven Development

Player-Centric Approach:

Developers create more tailored, satisfying experiences by understanding player needs and desires. They’re also able to manage community expectations more effectively.

Increased Investment:

Players feel heard and valued, leading to increased engagement, brand advocacy, and long-term support.

Enhanced Innovation:

Collaborating with players sparks creativity for new mechanics, features, and content. For example, Wuthering Waves from Kuro Games took player feedback from their first closed beta seriously – revamping nearly 90% of the title’s story and overhauling visuals.

Building Trust:

Transparency and quick responses to player feedback fosters a loyal fanbase. Again, it’s a gamer’s market, and you can easily lose your communityy to one of the many other options out there.

Fostering Successful Collaborations

Successful community-driven development relies on:

Active Engagement:

Developers reach out through dedicated forums, social media, and community platforms. Community feedback is implemented and showcased. Hone your main communication to one platform and then repeat on others.

Open Communication:

Regular updates, Q&As, and newsletters demonstrate transparency and build trust. Sharing the good, bad, and steps being taken to address missteps.

Feedback Mechanisms:

Surveys, voting systems, and playtesting allow players to contribute directly.


Highlighting player-generated ideas and rewarding participation solidifies the partnership.

Community Engagement Strategies

Further nurture engagement by:

A Steady Cadence of Updates and New Features:

Maintain excitement with your player base and attract new gamers. Where do most new players come from? Existing players recommending games to their friends.

Interactive Forums and Communication Tools:

Players connect with each other and share feedback. Implementing in game feedback tools is even better. Brawl Stars does this well by letting players vote on maps and give a post-match thumbs up or down.

Incentives and Rewards: Celebrate loyalty, achievement, and ongoing contributions.

Active Feedback Loops:

Demonstrate responsiveness and adaptation to player concerns.

Community Events and Contests:

Build community spirit and encourage participation. Special in-game events, community rewards, or even IRL meet-ups are great ways to celebrate players.

The Path Forward: Incorporate Community Comms Into Your PR Planning

To fully reap the benefits of community-driven development, incorporate player-focused comms initiatives into your overall PR and marketing plans. Specialized video game PR agencies like Reverb can help with tailored messaging, community crisis comms, and influencer initiatives that cater to players, which keeps them happy and engaged. 

Strong community communication can make the difference between fleeting success and long-term, sustainable engagement. By prioritizing engagement, transparency, and genuine collaboration with players, developers can unlock the full potential of their games and forge lasting relationships with their community.

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